We Did It!!!

Girl with the Sparkling Eyes

Yay!!!!!!!! We made our Kickstarter goal and we are bringing Girl with the Sparkling Eyes to life!!!!!

I’m so profoundly grateful to each and every person who has made this possible!!

We are finishing up the details on the files to send to the printer and then we are going to print!

I can hardly wait until I get to hold this book in my hands. Even more than that, though, I can hardly wait to put it into other people’s hands. All of this journey has been to get this story out to people who need to hear the message it contains. I can’t wait to hear how people’s lives shift because of this book.

I’ll keep you updated as we get closer to the printed book. We will have a store up and running on this site too where you can pre-order the book, or buy it once it comes out!

Thank you for your support!!!!!


Here’s the Beginning!

We are so excited to have launched our Kickstarter campaign today for Girl with the Sparkling Eyes! We are already seeing incredible support and excitement for our precious Girl! You are welcome to take a peek at the Kickstarter here.

We’ll be updating our progress as often as possible! We are excited to be partnering with you to bring our Girl with the Sparkling Eyes to life!